CFP Modules

Module 1 Foundation in Financial Planning & Tax Planning
Module 2 Insurance Planning & Estate Planning
Module 3 Investment & Retirement Planning
Module 4 Financial Plan Construction & Professional Responsibilities

CFP Certification Training Objective

To equip CFP professionals with the knowledge and skills necessary to provide comprehensive financial advice, personalized according to their client's needs, objectives, and priorities.

Modules 1–3

Modules 1–3 take you through the essential components of a financial plan and what you need to know about developing a plan that works.

The textbook provides pertinent information you must know about each financial planning component.

Our trainer will help you understand and apply financial planning concepts to real-life scenarios tailored to your client's needs and circumstances.

Module 4

Module 4 takes you through the six-step financial planning process to consolidate everything into a cohesive action plan.

It is about mastering the process of developing customized solutions and incorporating them into an integrated financial plan.

The textbook describes the financial plan development process in detail.

Our trainer will give you case studies to practice and become acquainted with the plan development process.

Module 1
Foundation in Financial Planning & Tax Planning


  • Introduction to financial planning
  • Regulatory controls & practices affecting financial planning
  • Nature & scope of financial planning
  • The economic environment & its effects
  • Analytical tools for financial planning professionals
  • Risk management & insurance planning 
  • Investment planning
  • Taxation planning
  • Retirement planning & estate planning
  • The basis of a financial plan 
  • Code of ethics  


  • Fundamental concepts in risk management 
  • Insurance fundamentals 
  • Legal principles in insurance 
  • Role of insurance in financial planning
  • Factors affecting life insurance needs 
  • Understanding life insurance policy contracts
  • General insurance policy contracts
  • Health insurance 
  • Annuity policy contracts 
  • Legislation & rules in insurance industry
  • Consumer protection & codes of practice
  • Estate planning fundamentals 
  • Wills & will planning
  • Trust
  • Power of attorney
  • Duties & powers of personal representative
  • Rights of beneficiaries
  • Estate planning issues for business owners  
Module 2
Insurance Planning & Estate Planning
Module 4
Financial Plan Construction & Professional Responsibilities


  • Financial planning & the regulatory framework
  • Establishing & defining relationship with client
  • Gathering client data
  • Analysing & evaluating client's financial status
  • Developing & presenting financial planning recommendations
  • Implementing the financial planning recommendations
  • Monitoring the recommendations
Module 3
Investment & Retirement Planning


  • Investment concepts 
  • Concepts of portfolio theory & performance measures 
  • Equity investments Debt securities investments 
  • Derivatives & structured products
  • Collective investment schemes & unit trusts 
  • Real estate investments 
  • Underlying principles of retirement planning 
  • Investment for retirement 
  • Retirement schemes 
  • Employees Provident Fund & Private
  • Retirement Scheme 
  • Retirement income streams 
  • Roles of financial planners in pre-retirement counselling  

How Do You Get the Most Out of CFP Certification?

1) Learn all the modules - Skipping one or two modules may develop gaps in your knowledge that will prevent you from merging financial planning components effectively.


2) Learn from others - CFP training provides an opportunity to learn from those with different backgrounds and experiences. Be proactive and contribute to class discussions. Always seek others' opinions to broaden your perspective and enrich your understanding.


3) Unlearn and relearn - CFP training differs from insurance and unit trust training. If you enroll just for the credential, believing you already know everything, you will not learn anything.


4) Master Time Value of Money - A weak grasp of TVM will limit your ability to analyze and customize solutions. Though most unit trust and insurance advisors learned about TVM, what they have learned is insufficient for developing a comprehensive financial plan. 

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